Teaching in Thailand
[Editor's note: This is actually Ruthie. Since there's no longer internet access, Chlace has asked me to post on here once in a while to keep you all updated. I'm not changing anything she says, just typing what she mails me. Unfortunately, I can't include her cute drawings, but I'll write all her words on here. Typos and all. I'll forward any comments you leave here on to her.]
Surprise, surprise, they have me teaching. I know many of you already know that, since internet access is less common than I thought it would be (advice: don't always believe what they tell you in the interview, sometimes it is misleading) and I've been having to mail everything.
Well, I love it, and as it turns out, it is in line with what I want to do when I leave, so I'm happy as a clam in water.
As with every assignment, I was ridiculously homesick in the beginning of the journey, like I mentioned before, but have been trying to mail postcards and letters to soothe and calm and remind you all that I exist. It's nice to be somewhere warm.
I kind of feel like I'm taking advantage of the Corps. I mean, here I am, in beautiful Thailand, supposed to be teaching them, but instead, I am finding that my students have been teaching me more. I now know how to say everything I need to get by in Thai. My co-workers think my accent is very adorable. That's the thing with being a perpetual traveller; wherever you go, you have a 'very coot ack-cent!'
Hope you all miss me as much as I miss you. Ruthie, I got your letter. Do you know, it smelled like you? You need to cut back on the cigars. At least until I can join you.
Love you all.